Freitag, 19.04.2024 12:32 Uhr

EU agreed upon a "digital EU COVID certificate”

Verantwortlicher Autor: Carlo Marino Rome, 28.05.2021, 17:43 Uhr
Nachricht/Bericht: +++ Reise & Tourismus +++ Bericht 6952x gelesen

Rome [ENA] Tourism is a positive force for transformation, rural development and community wellbeing. The EU member states have to work together to lead the global tourism recovery by highlighting the heightened economic, development, social and cultural relevance of the sector. After the pandemic scenery lockdowns, more than 50% of Europeans plan to travel again in the coming six months.

The EC presented a proposal for a regulation covering a "digital green certificate"[2021/0068 (COD)] that will make free movement within the EU easier as far back as mid-March, 2021. On May 20, 2021, the EU mem­ber states as well as the Euro­pean Parliament agreed upon the details for a pan-Euro­pean certificate that will be called the "digital EU COVID certificate” in the future. By using this digital green certificate in the form of a QR code, EU residents will then be able to provide proof of coronavirus vaccinations, negative coronavirus tests and that they have sur­vived COVID-19 type ill­nesses. This is a major step towards mak­ing travel within the EU much easier in the near future.

The "EU COVID digital certificate " will be valid for 12 months initially. National restrictions and various points were discussed intensively during the run-up to the agreement. For example, there was a difference of opinion over whether and to what extent EU countries should be able to set up their own travel restrictions as well as the measures for easing them. The current agreement provides for no interference with the sovereignty of the member states, but further restrictions such as quarantining for those who tested negative, have been vaccinated or cured, should only be introduced if the infection situation so requires it.

Furthermore, the European Parliament also called for a European solution regarding free testing. This should provide an alternative for nonvaccinated or healthy persons and avoid any discrimination. However, the European Parliament was not able to get its way with this. The compromise only provides for "affordable" testing opportunities. The EC pledged to make at least 100 mil­lion euros available for purcha­ing rapid Covid-19 test kits. With the agree­ment in Brus­sels, EU countries will have an interface on which they can base their national digital certificates.

With the agree­ment in Brus­sels, EU countries will have an interface on which they can base their national digital certificates. The system will be introduced by the end of June 2021. However, it is still unclear pre­cisely when the European certifi­cate will be implemented in each one of the member states. They will all be given a 6-week transition period.

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